AUTHORS PR   Madi Preda

author interview
author interview

Authors interviewed by Authors PR
              Madi Preda


Teodor Flonta

TC Slonaker

Tracy Roberts

John W.Howell

Andrew Reid Wildman

Peter VanDenBeemt

Roy Dimond

Jeff Leitch

Patrick Brigham

Margaret Welwood

Edward G.Kardos

Roy Dimond

Saving Our PennysSaving Our Pennys by Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saving Our Pennys Saving Our Pennys by Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch, is a tale of redemption while finding our life guides and mentors in the least expected places.
Set in the fast paced, ultra-busy world of multitasking, schools are an eruption of both heroes and victims. One teacher, feeling overwhelmed, chooses to look beyond himself and seek a mentor, someone to show him another way. But as is the nature of all redemption stories, he must earn the divine and that always leads to the unexpected. On his twisting journey from victim to hero, he meets a Ferryman, a Gatekeeper, and ultimately his true Spirit Guide.
Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch deliver an eloquent portrait of a teachers’ life. They write frankly about how to model the behavior on tough topics that baffle both, teachers and students. The two authors reinforce the importance of communication and social responsibility of not only these community – centered professionals, but all people who’ve chosen to make a difference in people’s lives.
Saving Our Pennys is a revealing story about the human soul, and the authors lay out a pathway that both inspire and challenge the reader. The story resonates deeply and has us look inwards, and asks us to provide support for any person, not only ourselves, who is struggling to find their balance.

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The Pencil CaseThe Pencil Case by Lorraine Cobcroft
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Pencil Case The Pencil Case is a story of terrified children taken away from home,into a foreign universe by social services.Jenny and Paul Wilson are taken from their home and sent to a social home administrated by Catholic Nuns.Their parents could do nothing to prevent this and their only hope is that they will not separate them.They coped because they had no other choice.
Lorraine Cobcroft describes the little boy's life, accumulated pain and frustrations of a long and painful period of imprisonment and separation from his family.Hurting his little soul,the isolation and humiliation,and the deep feeling of being unwanted changed him forever,made it difficult for later adult man to reveal his feelings or show any kind of emotions.
In her book,The Pencil Case,Lorraine explain how the thinking and behavior was influenced by a flawed system and social prejudices.As a reader I could feel Paul's frustrations and his inability to express himself.Lorraine show us what a struggle the life is,and how hard for little Paul,now an adult, is to forget the abusive treatment and learn again how to live happily within a family,learn again what love and hope means.
The Pencil Case opens another way of looking at sometimes unbearable and hard to understand behavior of people around us.Knowing what Paul had to suffer,and going together through his adult life,readers can see his fight to become a normal person and how the power of forgiving gives him the strength to live the past behind and go on with his life.
The book its important for future generation to learn and understand how the foundation of their world were built and how their forebears lived, before Australia become a country of peace and prosperity.

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Remember the MoonRemember the Moon by Abigail Carter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abigail Carter wrote this story as a form of catharsis after her husband death in World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001

The Art Of Letting Go

Remember The Moon is a fictional story of love and grief, a story about afterlife, which embraces paranormal experiences.
The story is starting with a dream of the youngest member of Cavor family, a kind of premonition of the following events. A few days after the odd dream the things happen and Jay, the father of the little boy die.
Almost buried by their loss, Maya and her son Calder have to fight with grief and learn to live again.
In his life with the spirits Jay meet his father who passed away when he was very young, and the author introduces here a very interesting idea: The Transitional Intake which is a kind of therapy afterlife, a path toward accepting the death. During the therapy, Jay is seeing how he tossed away many opportunities to savor flavors and sensations in life that he now missed so much. The spirits teach him how to assist his wife and his little boy during the mourning period; he is seeing their feeling materialized in changing colors of their auras and in this way he knows how to help them in different situations. They rich such a level of communication that they can hear each other thoughts and Jay offer them his guidance and support just thinking the words to be spoken.
Revealing the complexities of Maya’s emotions and her fight with letting go and burning her grief from day to day it makes the mourning story after Jay’s death a compelling page turner, effective long after the last page is read.
Abigail Carter’s book, Remember The Moon it is a profound moving meditation on life, love and death which makes us to remember our humanness and our lack of invincibility.
Remember the Moon: A Novel

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Rocks Through My WindowRocks Through My Window by Jeannie Coco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rocks Through My Window
In her novel, Jeannie Coco presents a tender and transformative exploration of family and reconciliation.The author has a flair of sweetening the fact that, ready or not,change happens,children grown up and fly away from home.

Miscommunication in Gigi and Tony Ramadi’s family almost keep them apart and they try to find the best way to deal with parenting , their marriage and everything in between.

Rocks Through My Window by Jeannie Coco put the parenting skills to the test and offers surprising discoveries about how not only stay married but stay in love.

In the most precious, delightful ways the author takes the readers on a journey through marriage and parenting that offer more introspection and discovery of the love and beauty that a family can share.

Jeannie Coco encourages parents to listen , heartfelt and careful to their kids, find the right time to step aside and enjoy a happily empty nest when the children leave home for their own good.

Rocks Through My Window is a thoughtful piece about family’s values,how to be there for each other, respect, communication and how all these can solve a marital crisis.

And the secret of parenting is…

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The Luck of the WeissensteinersThe Luck of the Weissensteiners by Christoph Fischer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Luck of the Weissensteiners

Another dark chapter of European History
The Luck of Weissensteiners by Cristoph Fisher

This is book #1 of ”The Three Nation Trilogy”

Christoph Fischer offers an eye opening on home,relationships and identity affected by war, political changes and moral issues raised by the union between a German man and a young Jewish woman in 1933 in the Slovak capital – Bratislava.

This is just about the time when Germany start to make waves in Europe and their relationship is changing,just as the all world around them is changing, like everyone else’s life who went through the grey and difficult events of the times.

The Luck of Weissensteiners is a very well written book about German and Jewish perspectives during the WW 2.

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A Luminous Future: Growing Up in Transylvania in the Shadow of CommunismA Luminous Future: Growing Up in Transylvania in the Shadow of Communism by Teodor Flonta
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Review of A Luminous Future by Teodor Flonta
Madi Preda - AuthorsPR

In his memoirs of a childhood in Romania during the communism, Teodor Flonta offers an insight into the life in a small village in Transylvania, Lupoaia. The author describes in precisely details how it was like living in Romania under the communist regime and how its poisonous touch left a mark on people lives.
His father was a survivor of several persecution and accusations of being a chiabur and enemy of the people, by Securitate and Mr.Flonta felt the need to tell the story about the reality of life at the time, the indoctrination in school and the permanent fear of the secret police who always was watching and listening. In his honesty Teodor Flonta describes how friends or members of the family betray each other and how people learned to bend under the cruelty of oppressors to stay alive.
The individual characters are powerfully described and the author caught in an absolute perfect way the ugliness of life in The Communist Era.
Teodor Flonta convey a certain sadness over the people lives and reveals the oppressive regime as it was, a political poison and not at all a social paradise, there wasn't a luminous future how The Communist Party liked to say.
But there always was hope and today Romania is a free country,a part of a free world. Few reminiscences there but the things will change through a few generations,once again there is hope.
A Luminous Future would be a great read for the young generation to understand what communism meant in Romania and for everyone else who is interested in political studies or people who want to know more about this beautiful country and understand what the Romanians were going through.
A Luminous Future: Growing Up in Transylvania in the Shadow of Communism
I have to say that I am Romanian so Mr.Flonta’s book resonates with me in a special way.

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